For students wanting to polish their speaking skills by expressing their minds, free-talking sessions were held at the Cebu Blue Ocean cafeteria on October 4.

From Free-talking Sessions, now the activity is called Speak Up Sessions. The sessions are conducted every afternoon, during class hours, and after 20 minutes when the bell rings. 4 sessions are open from 1:50pm to 5:00pm. Students on break or those who are having their self-study time are the ideal participants. They may also join multiple sessions upon their availability.

4 to 6 teachers usually wait for students to turn up. 2 to 6 students may join every session that lasts up to 25 minutes. The conversation questions and discussion topics included are languages, the internet world, health, hobbies, books, transportation, etc.

The activity launch was fulfilling, challenging, and exciting for the participants as they took the opportunity to extend their conversation practice with the assigned teachers.

They also got tips and suggestions for improving their speaking structure and ideas organization. At Cebu Blue Ocean Academy, students could explore more options for developing their English language skills through the weekly activity day.