How did you celebrate Valentine’s Day? Were you on a date or spent time with your family or friends? Cebu Blue Ocean Academy students, teachers, and staff members celebrated it by joining the dress color coding representing their relationship status, high hopes for love, and personal priorities- and that’s the reason why the event is called “I Love Hue (you)”.

There was a stage set-up for the classic serenade done during the 10-minute breaks that made Valentine’s Day extra special. Everybody felt inspired and loved while listening to their teachers and fellow students sing a love song.

It was also lovely seeing one of the parents sing with her children.

Students wrote love notes and letters for their friends, teachers, and special someone on the “Spread Love” board. Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be complete without treats like flowers, balloons, and sweets, so these were also sold during the event.


Productive English learning and making great memories are possible at Cebu Blue Ocean Academy. We hope your Valentine’s Day this year is memorable just like our students as they celebrated it with a sense of belongingness.