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Out of the blue

: 무작위로, 예고 없이, 놀랍게도

예문: He complimented me out of the blue, so I felt a bit speechless.

예시 대화:

A: We need to talk about our weekend plans.

B: Yeah, right. I’m so excited to travel.

A: Anyway, how are you and John?
B: Wow, that came out of the blue. Why did you ask?
A: I just noticed that you don’t go out together recently.

B: Oh, to be honest; our relationship is a bit on the rocks.


Green with Envy

뜻: 아주 질투스럽고 부러워함

예문: Katie was green with envy when she saw her brother got a new car for his birthday.

A: Where is Katie?

B: She has looked herself up in her room.

A: What? Why?

B: Well, she was green with envy when she saw her brother got a new car for his birthday.

A: But didn’t their parents give her what she wanted on her birthday?

B: Yeah. She asked for a luxury bag which they have given her.

A: Katie is such a spoiled brat.


Gray area

뜻: 불분명하거나 정의되지 않은 것

예문: There were a lot of gray areas in your report.

A: Good morning, Sir. Did you call for me?

B: Yes. Please, have a seat.

A: Is there any problem?

B: It’s not really something major but I need you to go over the financial report submitted yesterday. There are a couple of gray areas. I just need you to recheck.

A: Sure, Sir. I’ll make sure it would be done by today.

B: Thank you.


Caught red-handed

뜻: 누군가가 무언가를 하는 행위를 발견하다

예문: He was caught red-handed while going out with his mistress.

예시 대화:

A: Have you heard the rumors?

B: Which one?

A: About Nick and Jane? Jane has filed for divorce.

B: Oh, that’s not a rumor. It’s true.

A: Why? What happened? Did I miss something while I’m away?

B: Oh, yes. Jane has caught Nick red-handed while going out with his mistress.

A: Geez.

Green Thumb

뜻: 정원 가꾸기에 능숙하다

예문: My mother has a green thumb. It’s as if there’s magic in her hands.

A: Can we drop by the Gardening Section? I just need to check if there are Astilbe seeds.

B: Oh, I didn’t know you do gardening.

A: It’s for my mom, actually. She has a green thumb. She could grow anything! It’s as if there’s magic in her hands.

B: Wow. I would like to see her plants.


Black Sheep

뜻: 사회에서 따로 떨어져 있는, 다른 사람들과 다른

예문: Bruno is the black sheep in the family because she decided to pursue a career in music whereas everyone else is in the field of medicine.

예시 대화:

A: Who is he?

B: Oh, Bruno. He’s my cousin.

A: He looks quite familiar.

B: Is he? You must have seen him on TV.

A: Is he a celebrity or something?

B: He’s a musician.

A: Oh! I remember him! He’s really good. Is he from a family of musicians?

B: Well, Bruno is the black sheep in the family because she decided to pursue a career in music whereas everyone else is in the field of medicine.


Once in a Blue Moon

뜻: 아주 드물게
예문: I go out once in a blue moon.

예시 대화:

A: What will you do this weekend?

B: The usual. I’ll just stay home.

A: Don’t you get bored just staying home?

B: Nah. I’m usually in front of my computer. I’m currently finishing a novel that I’m planning to submit to a major publishing house.

A: Wow, best of luck!


Take the Red Eye

뜻: 새벽에 도착하는 늦은 밤 비행

예문: I took the red eye from Bangkok to Manila last night.

예시 대화:

A: How was your vacation?
B: It was fun but a little exhausting especially going back.

A: What happened?

B: I booked late; so, I took the red eye from Bangkok to Manila last night. Now, I feel exhausted.

A: You should book earlier next time. You’re still lucky; you’ve got a seat amidst the holiday.

B: You’re right.



Tickled Pink

뜻: 극도로 기쁘다

예문: I was tickled pink when he took me out for dinner.

예시 대화:

A: Yesterday was your wedding anniversary, right?

B: Yes.

A: So, what did you do?

B: Well, I was tickled pink when he took me out for dinner. We went to the newly opened French Italian restaurant downtown.

A: That’s great! How was the food there?

B: It costs an arm and a leg but it’s all worth it.



White lie

뜻: 다른 사람의 감정을 상하거나 불쾌하게 하지 않기 위해 하는 작은 거짓말

예문: I didn’t like the bag that he has chosen but I told a white lie because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

예시 대화:

A: Have you seen Xavier’s bag?

B: Not yet. What about it?
A: Well, he asked me if it looks good. I actually hated it but I told a white lie since I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

B: Speaking of the devil. There he is! I see what you’re talking about. It looks weird but it also looks nice. I like it.

A: Oh, well.

B: To each his own, right?